How do I know if I have heart disease?

Heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the US since 1950 with statistics showing that one person dies every 33 seconds. In 2021, 375,476 people died from this illness.  The major risk factors for heart disease are:  To find out if you may have coronary artery disease, you can ask your physician to order […]

What are some tips for weight loss?

People become overweight for many reasons. Weight issues can run in families. They can be caused by unhealthy behaviors and a person’s environment. Certain health problems and medicines can also lead to weight gain. However, there is no magic bullet when it comes to weight loss. It always comes back to dietary and behavioral modifications. […]

Have Yourself a Healthy Happy Holiday Season With These Tips!

Have Yourself a Healthy Happy Holiday Season With These Tips!

Happy Holidays! The holiday season is a special time to gather with friends and family and to eat traditionally rich foods and splurge and indulge. Quite often our patients with diabetes ask us, “what’s the big deal if my blood sugar levels go up a little or a gain a few pounds over the holidays?” […]

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Is Not Just Inconvenient

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Is Not Just Inconvenient

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects about 12% of all adults in the U.S., with women being twice as likely to experience this gastrointestinal disorder. Researchers have not found the exact reasons as to why people get IBS, but there are treatment plans available to help manage it. Plenty of people are currently walking around undiagnosed […]