Look and Feel Your Best with Dermaplaning

If this is the first time that you have heard about dermaplaning, it is likely that you will have some questions. For example, what is dermaplaning? This process is a safe and simple yet very effective treatment that is used to get rid of the outermost layers of dead skin. The goal of removing these dead skin cells is to leave you with smooth, supple skin. At the same time, the treatment encourages your body to continue producing healthier skin cells. As a result, you are left with refreshed, revitalized, more attractive skin.

In addition to getting rid of the outer layer of dead skin cells, this treatment also gets rid of peach fuzz. As anyone who has tried to apply makeup knows, just a little bit of peach fuzz can take your appearance from being smooth and even to being bumpy and uneven.

So how is it performed? During your treatment, our trained professional will use a scalpel to lightly exfoliate the surface of your skin. Our specialist is always careful to use very light and feathered strokes.

Dermaplaning works for anyone who wants to get rid of rough or dry skin. Removing those external layers of skin cells makes it easier for skin products to penetrate and affect deeper skin layers. Clients who want a quick and easy treatment will also be happy to know that the process usually takes just 30 minutes to complete and requires no downtime.

Some have wondered if removing peach fuzz using dermaplaning will cause the removed hair to grow back thicker. The answer is a definite no. Peach fuzz usually grows back at the same rate and texture as it did before the treatment, so you don’t have to worry about dermaplaning making your peach fuzz any thicker.

When this treatment is performed by a trained professional, it is exceptionally safe. There is no more risk or danger involved than what a man would experience when he shaves his face. In fact, it is likely even safer than shaving. Our professional is specially trained to use the scalpel as carefully as possible to provide you with gentle and comfortable exfoliation.

Dermaplaning is a great way to encourage new skin cell growth, leaving you with effortlessly glowing, smooth skin. We would be glad to help you learn more about the benefits of this effective treatment at MedSpa 22. Contact us today at our office in Fort Myers to schedule your first appointment and find out if dermaplaning is right for you.

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