What Sets BioTE Apart?

Hormone therapy (HT) is the combination of estrogen and progesterone treatment. It is highly effective in treating symptoms of menopause including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and disturbed sleep. Short-term use of hormone therapy medications can help reduce the risk of endometrial cancer.

BioTE Medical offers pellet therapy that can help both men and women get back to feeling their best. They provide bio-technical HRT to those that are experiencing a hormonal imbalance. Headquartered in Irving, Texas, BioTE has thousands of medical physicians that are certified to provide pellet therapy worldwide. Bio-identicals are found in plants compared to synthetic hormones that are derived from animals. Bio-identical hormone therapy can benefit patients who lack hormones or have too much of a certain hormone.

Bio-identical hormone therapy pellets are implants inserted into the hip area. After you have located a certified BioTE provider, you can schedule a consultation where they will test your current hormone levels. After your blood work panel is analyzed, your physician will decide if you are a good candidate for BioTE pellet therapy. Pellet therapy is usually not covered by health insurance. However, it can be very cost-effective as it can prevent a myriad of other health conditions.

BioTE Medical uses formulated nutraceuticals made specifically to treat hormone imbalance. Nutraceuticals contain high-grade ingredients that are scientifically tested. BioTE offers hormone supplements in the form of Probiotics, DIM, Omega 3, Omega 30 Plus, ADK, Iodine Plus, Methyl-Guard Plus and multi-vitamins. DIM can be found in cruciferous vegetables and will boost the immune response. It can fight and prevent bacterial infections, viral infections, and skin disorders. ADK is essential in providing the body with the right vitamins for optimal bone health.

It is so important to have your hormones in balance to prevent poor health and disease. This is especially true as you grow older. Let BioTE Medical optimize your hormone levels through bio-identical pellets. The continual absorption of the hormone pellets will provide you with peak levels of health. The BHRT pellets are smaller than a grain of rice and will last for three to six months. 

To learn more, contact MedSpa 22 in Fort Myers today!

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