Treating Sun-Damaged Skin with Non-Ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing

Sun-damaged skin can leave you having regrets about all that time you spent over the years soaking in the sun to get your tan as dark as possible. What seemed exciting at the time can leave you wondering how to improve the appearance of your sun-damaged skin today. If this situation fits you, looking into the advantages of non-ablative laser skin resurfacing may be worthwhile.

It will be a little easier to understand how non-ablative laser skin resurfacing works by first looking at the causes of the problem. Most likely, your skin appears sun damaged because of the development of dark spots that are scattered across its surface. Overexposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun was the likely culprit.

Melanin is the substance in the skin that produces pigment. When you tan, it is because of an increase in the amount of melanin. More of the substance is naturally produced by the skin as a way of protecting itself during sun exposure. If you repeat the tanning process over and over through the years, the melanin will begin to concentrate. However, these elevated levels will not be spread evenly throughout the skin. Instead, they will form spots that become visible because of higher pigment amounts.

Non-ablative laser skin resurfacing can help to remove those spots by focusing the energy onto them and dispersing the melanin that has concentrated there. Within a few days, the spots will dry up and flake from the skin. You will be left with a younger appearance and skin that is more evenly toned. It will also have a smoother texture.

Non-ablative lasers are much milder than their ablative counterparts. They do not destroy the outer layer of the skin. Instead, most of the energy is focused onto the deeper layers. As the tissue reacts to the laser energy, it will be warmed. The heat is what produces the therapeutic benefits. Not only will it break up the excessive melanin that is causing the unwanted skin texture and tone, but it will stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin as well.

Collagen provides fullness to the skin. Any reduction in collagen that has been lost due to aging or damage to the skin over the years will be replaced as the dermis, or the layer beneath the surface, responds to the heat from the therapy.

Elastin will increase in response to non-ablative laser resurfacing as well. It is the substance that gives the skin the ability to return to its normal position and size when it is stretched. Increasing it will also help the skin look younger and less damaged.

Non-ablative laser skin resurfacing works by penetrating the skin in very tiny microscopic columns. This enables the healing process to begin even though the skin’s surface has been left intact. This treatment method does not require a period of downtime before normal life can be resumed.

If you have sun-damaged skin and want to look at a treatment method that will enable you to continue your normal routine afterward, check with our specialists at Med Spa 22 in Fort Myers about the benefits of non-ablative laser skin resurfacing. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment.

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