IPL Photofacials for Facial Rejuvenation
Many people are dealing with things like sun damage, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation. These are the issues that cause most people to have skin discoloration, as well as other issues on their face. IPL photofacials have been shown to be very effective at addressing some of these skin issues. This treatment can take skin that is […]
Removed Unwanted Body Hair with Laser Hair Removal
There are very few people who enjoy removing hair from their body with manual hair removal procedures like shaving, waxing or plucking. But it’s something that everybody does because it is what is expected in many parts of modern society. Unfortunately, for some people, removing hair with these techniques is not only annoying, but it […]
Treating Sun-Damaged Skin with Non-Ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing
Sun-damaged skin can leave you having regrets about all that time you spent over the years soaking in the sun to get your tan as dark as possible. What seemed exciting at the time can leave you wondering how to improve the appearance of your sun-damaged skin today. If this situation fits you, looking into […]
Restore Lost Facial Volume with Dermal Fillers
One of the cosmetic treatments that pops into a person’s mind when they think about dealing with the signs of aging is BOTOX®. BOTOX® is able to treat dynamic wrinkles, such as crow’s feet and deep wrinkles between the brows and on the forehead. One of the things that people do not always understand is […]